Thursday, September 18, 2014


Some of the meals I've made during this week. The first one is a fruit serving: 4oz of strawberries 
1 cup of ice 
1 cup of water
And if you want to you can put Stevia in it too. 
The second picture is a meat and vegetable serving:
4oz of chicken breast 
1oz of spinach 
3oz of tomatoes 
Also you can put lemon juice on it as a dressing. 
The third picture is a meat and vegetable serving too:
4oz of tilapia (seasoned with lemon and cilantro) 
4oz of green beans 
The last picture is meat and vegetable also:
2oz steak 
2oz of shrimp 
4oz of asparagus 


Saturday, September 13, 2014


Today mom went grocery shopping! That means meal prep. I spent about 1-2 hours cutting and weighing meats, fruits, and veggies. All 4oz servings. 4oz is more than you'd think. I've read on some blogs and in comments that Omni doesn't give you enough food. That is not at all the case. If you drink your gallon of water plus ALL your food, you should be fine. We'll be officially starting next week. Either the 21st or the 22nd. I am so excited for this Journey!


Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Hi, my name is Shelby Rogers. I am 15 and I am a sophomore in high school (yay.). 

This blog will go along with a journey to a NEW ME! As the people say from where I'm from... "You may cheer!". The main point of this blog is to track weight loss, but many other things will find their ways to this lovely blog. I will be using Omnitrition to do this losing of the weight. And well basically I want y'all to come along with me on the wild ride we call life. 

From me to you,

links for Omnitriton: